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Over 35 Years of Eating Disorder Specialty Practice
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When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder:
A Step-By-Step Workbook for Parents and Other Caregivers

What Readers are Saying


Recommended by Parents
"Before reading your book, I had found no resource that had it all, especially words for those who love and want to help someone we fear is a disordered eater. I have read your book cover to cover and plan to recommend it to everyone who asks me questions because you have done an incredible job at answering them all."
—Doris Smeltzer

"The first read-through confirmed some things I already knew about eating disorders and opened my eyes to a lot of misconceptions I had had. Most importantly it gave me hope. The second read-through spoke to me very personally about my own daughter and helped the entire family through the difficult recovery process that left us all reeling."
—Mary Byronne

First of all, thank you for writing, When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder: A Step-by-Step Workbook for Parents and Other Caregivers! I am just finishing it and have found it to be the most useful written resource for me yet. I am the father of an eating disordered daughter. Your book has leapt out at me. You have captured so much of what we have experienced and considerably more. In our search for assistance over the past 5 years, we have found only one other professional who has been able to come close to providing the degree of eating disorder family insights that you have presented here.

"I found that the book gave me confidence to use myself more effectively to help my daughter recover. The more I relaxed, and the more hopeful I became, the more she was able to accomplish."
—Midge S.

"I feel as though you have invited my husband and I to look beyond the symptoms of this disease to see what's at its core ... the suffering in our daughter's heart. Most important, you keep reminding us that this disease can be, and usually is, conquered."
—Terry, Chicago

"I read it twice and loved it. Boy! You really take on the establishment!"
—A.G., an appreciative parent.

"Only a mother could have written this book."
—Michelle S., Chicago

"It is nice to read a book that is positive and gives us hope that it is possible to get past this horrible horrible sickness."
—Mary Anayos

"Dr. C. suggested your book to us as a resource, in understanding Shannon's disease and the issues she faces every day. I have read many books on this subject; however, the information you provided has been invaluable and was the most useful. It makes sense out of this chaos. Especially after treatment, when the really hard work begins, it offers guidelines for the parents and friends of the anorexic child.

"Even now, six months after her treatment, copies of my favorite chapters are here on my desk at work, to read at those times when I need motivation and guidance. The disease is overwhelming to those who love the anorexic child but I have found that I don't feel so alone in this struggle having the wonderful resources that are in your guidebook. Thank you for all you do for those who suffer through this disease and for providing unending courage and hope that the future will be better."
—Cindy Gandy

Recommended by Patients

"Working with Abbie is like having a wooly afghan wrapped around you on a wintry day…comfy, cozy and safe."
    -- A.S, a psychotherapy patient

Recommended by Oprah

Oprah's books
From the show: Girls Who Don't Eat   (www.oprah.com)

“A proven program complete with self-tests, questions and answers, journaling exercises, role-playing activities and resource lists. ... This book is the first book to help parents and help fix the family unit, not just the child with the disorder.”

Recommended by John Walsh

From the show: Pre-teens with Eating Disorders

“I would recommend your book if parents had just an inkling that their child had an eating disorder.”

Recommended by Professionals

"This is an intelligent, informative and probing work that should be every parent's companion through the assessment of their child and their family, and through treatment and recovery of an eating disorder." "Natenshon's voice is a soothing one of gentle authority that helps parents grow and nurture their children as they learn to face the pain of life again."
—Edye Berkun Kamensky, Ed. M., M.A., Renfrew Perspective

"Your book is important to me not only because it tells parents what to do, but because it offers advice to individual therapists who are at a loss about what to do to treat the family."
—Marlene Perdowski, psychotherapist

"I appreciate so much the non-blaming stance taken towards parents. It is so fundamental to support the families and parents! I appreciate your book as an important and useful resource for parents and a fundamental addition to the literature. Thank you for such a terrific contribution."
—Shelley R., Canada

"One woman in my therapy/support group came to meetings clutching your book to her breast. She claimed it was her lifeline and that it was the only thing that gave her hope when she was feeling frightened and lost."
—Susan Goldberg, group therapist

"I have used your book as the main parent education tool in my practice at the duPont Hospital for Children, and the feedback was always positive I also use your book extensively in my teaching at the University of Delaware."
—Feedback from a health professional and educator.

"Abigail has a wholesomeness and gentle, intuitive expertise that renders her the perfect voice ... Abigail is amazing. And I'm so grateful to you for introducing us to her in this way."
—S.W., production manager of a well-known parent's web site

"For the past year, I have used your book exercises as self-awareness and self-assessment tools in the therapy groups I run. They have been invaluable to my clients as well as to me. Thank you."
—T.R., the director of a university eating disorders clinic

"We have very limited resources in our area. Your book has become a lifeline for us."
—A social service professional with the state of Florida

Recommended by Eating Disorder Treatment Centers

Washington Center for Eating Disorders and Adolescent Obesity
Bethesda, Maryland   (www.washingtoncenteronline.com/)

“Combining factual information, sound advice, and written exercises, this workbook is for parents of preteens through college-aged children who want to participate in the recovery process.”

Pediatric Medical Center
Long Beach, CA   (www.informedparent.com)

“A clear look at eating disorders that can affect pre-teens through college-age children. This book provides knowledge, treatment options and a means of conquering this disease. Above all, it provides us with hope.”

Recommended by Psychological and Mental Health Treatment Centers

The Center for Counseling & Health Resources, Inc.
Edmonds, WA   (www.aplaceofhope.com)

“I recommend an excellent book titled When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder by Abigail H. Natenshon.”
—Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Psychologist

Recommended by Educators and School Professionals

A school social worker and participant in the Illinois Association of School Social Workers Conference, 2000
“Most teachers want very much to help out but don't know how to begin. Abbie gives practical suggestions that make the task before us so much more understandable and do-able. I have been hoping for a book like hers for years, as it is a wonderful resource for parents and kids, as well as teachers, coaches and school counselors.”

Louise Hajjar Diamond
School Counselor in Florida   (www.familytlc.net)
“Sensitive and insightful ”

For Professionals, Too

Used by StudyCredit.Com
For professionals seeking online Continuing Education credit units

Used by Professional Development Resources, Inc
For Continuing Education credits for Health Professionals

Therapists and Educators Agree

Renfrew Center Foundation
In the Fall 2000 Renfrew Center Foundation Perspective
“Helps parents grow and nurture their children as they learn to face ... life again.”
—Edye Berkun Kamensky, Ed.A., M.A.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
“This book provides parents with hope as well as direction to aid their eating disordered child.”
—Vivian Meehan

Laureate Psychiatric Hospital
Tulsa, OK   (www.laureate.com)
“Practical, informed, comprehensive, and highly readable. This is a book that will be equally valuable to parents, patients and clinicians.”
—Craig Johnson, Director, Eating Disorders Program

Mary Ann Kirk, Ed.D
Psychotherapist, specialist in the treatment of eating disorders
“Most parents care very much and want to help out but don't really know how to begin. Abbie gives practical suggestions on how to begin conversations about the subject and how to continue the dialogue without focusing only on whether or not she is eating. I would definitely recommend this book to my client families. . . I have been hoping for a book like this for years.”
—Mary Ann Kirk, psychotherapist 

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