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Over 35 Years of Eating Disorder Specialty Practice
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Stepping Up to the Plate:
The Power of Enlightened Parenting in Healing a Child's Eating Disorder

Webinar Series Agenda

Parents are invited to participate in all, or individual segments of this five part online lecture series. Each 90 minute segment consists of a didactic lecture presentation leaving time for questions, discussion, and professional consultation.

This series is offered as Power Point audio presentations or as e-documents

Session One
Facing the Challenge: Diagnosis and Managing Resistance
Preparing parents to prepare their child to heal

Segment goals:

  • To prepare parents to prepare themselves to understand and face the eating disorder, their afflicted child, and the effects of this illness on the entire family.
  • To teach parents to identify what they see in their child, and to recognize signs that may not be not readily observable.
  • To help parents gain the skills they need to become effectively responsive to signs and symptoms, to confront and bring their child to acceptance of professional care.
  • To refute myths about eating disorders and misconceptions about parents being to blame in causing these diseases, dispelling parental guilt. To encourage parental participation as members of the treatment and recovery team.

Session Two
Expanding your Eating Disorder I.Q.
Educating yourself prepares you to educate your child throughout the treatment and recovery process… about these disorders and about how to anticipate and handle the experience of treatment and recovery.

Segment goals:

  • To educate parents about eating disorders and their implications, to understand more fully the complexities of the child's experience.
  • To develop insights into their own emotional responses and preparedness to handle their own personal challenges.
  • To educate parents about what to anticipate upon entering the treatment process, and how to work with the process, the child, and the team.
  • To inform parents about their role in recovery, sweeping out “the elephant under the chair.”
  • To inform parents about what qualities to seek in procuring the most expert professional care for their child and family.

Session Three
Treatment Nuts and Bolts
Treatment needs to be timely, diverse, integrative, motivational and respectful of the family system.

Segment goals:

  • Learn what needs to happen in eating disorder treatment, how, when, why, and at what pace.
  • Discover the unique obstacles to eating disorder recovery.
  • Understand the unique nature of eating disorder change in an integrative process
  • Determine whether your child's treatment is as effective as it could be.
  • Understand what the recovery process looks like.
  • Learn whether there may be more you could be doing with or for your child to enhance recovery outcomes.

Session Four
Recovery and Beyond
Recovery from an eating disorder is a complex and on-going process that occurs on many levels, at once, or over time.  A deceptive process, it fluxes and varies throughout its natural course, and at times may become hard to read and assess.  It is not unusual for behaviors that appear to signify “failure” to actually reflect growth and progress.

Segment goals:

  • To recognize and repair a stuck recovery process.
  • To recognize when a successful recovery progress may take on the appearance of failure.
  • To recognize that anything less than a complete recovery from an eating disorder is not a sustainable or lasting recovery and is not good enough for your child.
  • Sustaining yourself through the process.
  • The many faces of recovery: recounting recovery stories.

Session Five
A Parent's Personal Journey

Parents and families suffer from the existence of an eating disorder within the family system, in tolerating its effects on the child, as well as impact on every member of the victim’s family and social system. Recovery from an ED is a recovery leading to better living …. For the rest of one’s life.  Children get their personality and self back; parents get their child back.

Segment goals:

  • To become knowledgeable about how best to support your child throughout the treatment and recovery process and to manage your child, the disorder, the family response, and the professional team.
  • Discover your own attitudes about food, weight and exercise, and whether they might in some respects, affect your recovering child.
  • A parent’s emotional and behavioral accurate self-appraisal provides an opportunity for personal growth, as well as a deeper connection with your child.
  • Identify your own counter transference issues throughout the recovery process.
  • Improve your communications with your child and the parent/child relationship.


For further information about these online lectures, click here.



Upcoming webinar dates    

Sunday evenings; ……


Contact Abbie if you might be interested in attending all or specific segments.   Dates of webinars will be posted after interest in participation is expressed.



Cost per session:  $50

For individuals who are unable to attend a live broadcast of these educational webinars, for the same cost, arrangements can be made to obtain hard copies of any or all of these lectures and PowerPoint presentations.

Note that online teaching sessions can be enjoyed by a single parent, by both parents simultaneously, or by the entire family.







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