14 Basic Tenets of Good Nutritional Practice in the Treatment
of Eating Disorders
Created by
Abigail H. Natenshon, MA, LCSW, GCFP
North American Serial Rights 2011
1. Understand the full implications of eating disorders… know what they are,
and what they are not. Extreme, unbalanced, immoderate eating, excluding
food groups, skipping meals, ritualizing eating behaviors or eating the same
food items every day with no variation are all indicators of pathology.
Eating disorders represent the misuse of food to resolve emotional problems.
Emotions underlying dysfunctional ED behaviors are critical factors driving
these disorders and must be addressed.
Nutritionists must be capable of speaking the language of psychotherapy,
just as psychotherapists must be capable of speaking the language of food
and nutrition.
2. Start where the client is. Understand and respect the legitimate
intention and purpose that the eating disorder fulfills for the client.
Beware of clients seeking assistance to eat “healthier,” a euphemism for
wanting to learn how to become thinner.
3. The client’s initial goals are generally protective of the disorder and
at odds with professional and family goals; it is for the clinician to bring
the client to a place where he or she seeks a recovery which is marked by
the reintegration and return of the core self.
It is the client’s developing
trust in the practitioner that ultimately leads to a developing trust in
one’s own capacity to trust oneself to manage food and life
4. Start out slowly in asking for weight gain, when risk levels permit. If
the anorexic client requires 2400-3500 calories daily but is currently
consuming only 500 calories, starting with a goal of 800 to 1000 calories
daily may be an appropriate beginning challenge.
Re-feed slowly, increasing demands
gradually; keep expectations realistic, always considering the unique needs
and capacities of the client. In re-feeding a malnourished eating disordered
individual, weight goals are approximately ½ to 1½ pounds per week. With the
severely malnourished body, anticipate that caloric intake may not produce
an expected weight gain immediately, as the body "cashes in" on the caloric
debt, restoring function before weight. A condition called "hyper-burn"
represents a quickening of the metabolism at the start of the re-feeding
process that may result in weight gain delay. For hospitalized clients at
physiological risk, overly rapid re-feeding can be life threatening.
5. Understand the unique qualities of the eating disorder recovery process
which is generally long-term and challenging, riddled with backslides and
regressions. There is more to eating disorder recovery than weight gain;
recovery indicators include the client's increasing self-awareness, sound
judgment, self-reliance and courage to seek change, all benchmarks of the
repair of a dysfunctional relationship… not only with food, but with the
self. Self awareness, self acceptance and self actualization are what make
sustainable weight restoration possible.
6. Learn to recognize a typically elusive recovery progress which is often
hidden within the smallest details of change, and in what may appear to be
regression. Sometimes the best learning occurs in the face of trail and
error. How much evidence might you
need to recognize positive aspects of change, and to help your client learn
to differentiate and judge them accurately? When you see something positive,
point it out. When you see something that is not, let the client try to
bring it up and explicate it. The recovery process is not about seeking
perfection; it is about seeking change.
7. The quality of the client/clinician relationship will significantly
impact the nature and timeliness of recovery. A good relationship will
inspire trust in the practitioner, ultimately resulting in the client’s own
self trust, motivation, determination and capacity to make changes that
approximate, and ultimately facilitate recovery.
8. Eating disordered clients are typically obsessed with their weight and
the process of measuring weight as determined by the scale and by distorted
self perception. Do not perpetrate the myth that weight is the central issue
propelling these disorders; banning home scales can diminish compulsive
preoccupations. Eating disorders are disorders of control, the loss of self
and self regulation, and of relationships, not only with food, but with
oneself and others. A client's weight is significant in alerting health
professionals to the possible need for immediate medical intervention.
Weight shifts are significant for the
motivations behind them, the manner in which the weight was lost or gained,
and the feelings evoked through that process. Achieving and maintaining an
appropriate weight needs to be recognized and appreciated as an outward
manifestation of inner change.
9. Do not misconstrue fluid shifts and imbalances to indicate true weights.
Remember too, that setting arbitrary “target” weights for the client (based
on weight charts) is counter-productive.
The healthfully fed body needs to be held responsible for determining
its own proper set point weight range.
The body's set point weight is determined by the body's metabolism,
not by the preference of the
client or practitioners. Full recovery does not happen short of regaining
the body's full set-point weight;
at the same time, full recovery is not assured simply through achieving that
weight. Night sweats are typically a common indicator of the resumption of
healthy metabolic function following a protracted stall.
You can assure the client that bloating, reflux and numerous other
gastroenterological problems generally heal completely within three months
10. Welcome your client's resistance to therapeutic change that comes in
many forms, including denial, avoidance, non-disclosure, hostility,
oppositional behavior and manipulation. Managing resistance takes courage
and foresight. Attempt to separate the eating disorder from the person whose
brain and body it inhabits. Through tough love, demands, limit-setting and
empathic and caring warmth, nutritionists communicate an understanding and
non-judgmental acceptance of the enormity and implications of these
problems. Meeting resistance head-on offers an invaluable opportunity to
begin a dialogue with the eating disorder within. Consider the declarative
"No" or the passive refusal to cooperate to be the
start of a conversation…not the
11. In working with highly resistant eating disordered clients who refuse to
participate or engage in treatment, you might consider offering the client
self-determined healing for a specific and limited amount of time without
therapeutic assistance. Make a contract with the client and parents to start
nutritional care and psychotherapy upon discovering that these attempts did
not meet with success. It is for
you as the professional to help the client determine what constitutes a
successful outcome. If outpatient work does not prove to be successful, make
it clear that the treatment may need to be upgraded to a more restrictive
environment. The need for more restrictive recovery opportunities may
include a short-term day program milieu, hospitalization, residential care,
or a halfway residence, to be determined by the client's needs and the input
of the outpatient professional team.
12. Collaboration with the wider treatment team takes time and
effort….particularly at the start of treatment, and/or when a client is in
physiological danger and may need to be referred to an inpatient milieu.
Nutritionist, therapist and medical doctor need to stay in touch,
communicating in person, by phone, fax or via email. With their clients,
nutritionists must become comfortable wearing the various "hats" of
collaborating team members, “understudying” each others parts, identifying
and addressing medical and psychological issues across the board, referring
clients back to specialists for additional care.
13. The message your client hears is not always the one you or your team
mates intended to send. Listen "between the lines" to the client's thinking
and responses. If you were to say "You're doing great! (based on weight
gain), I won't need to see you now for a month," your client may be hearing,
"You are comfortably fat now and sufficiently over your disease to stop your
efforts to recover. You've gained enough weight so you are free to start
restricting again." Help the client to field and resolve any team-based
14. Don't lose sight of the importance of assessing and managing the
frequency and duration of physical exercise for eating disordered clients.
The amount and nature of physical exertion will determine how many calories
a person requires in order to restore weight, nourish and sustain a
healthfully functioning body, and sustain that bodily status. It is for the
nutritionist, in conjunction with the therapist and medical doctor, to
decide how much exercise is appropriate, and at what point in the recovery,
to allow eating disorder recovery to occur. Be aware that exercise in eating
disordered individuals, anorexic and bulimic alike, is typically used as a
purge technique. Nutritionists
require continual access to pertinent information about exercise activities.