Kids in the Kitchen
By Abigail Natenshon Author
of When Your Child Has An Eating
Food and food preparation need
not be a mystery for kids. We
need to eat in order to live; we
need to eat
healthfully in order to live
healthfully. Healthy eating
entails eating varied, balanced,
nutritionally-dense meals and
snacks throughout the day.
Though there are no “bad”
foods, we know that
nutritionally-dense foods are
more easily used by the body to
grow strong bones, muscles,
blood, and brain cells. As a
child, you need to learn which
foods and snacks are more
nutritious for you and which are
less so. Learning to feed
oneself in a healthy way is an
important and natural part of
Children need to become adept at
choosing, combining and
preparing nutritious foods for
themselves, their siblings and
friends when parents are not
available, and parents need to
make sure to stock their
pantries and refrigerators with
these foods for their hungry
Let’s look at some easy, quick
and healthful snacks that even
very young children can make and
enjoy all by themselves:
- Peanut butter on
- Cheese on crackers
- Apples with peanut
- Baked apples with
cinnamon and raisons and, if
you like, Marshmallow Fluff
- Washed raw
vegetables, fresh fruits, or
dried fruits
- Pudding
- Yogurt, cottage
cheese, cheese slices or
- Soup in a cup
- Hard boiled eggs
- Cereal and milk
- Leftovers from the
night before
- Pre-washed and cut
bagged salads with dressing
- Nuts, sunflower
seeds, trail mix
- Hummus
Kids enjoy becoming active participators in the
process of healthy food
preparation, of choosing menus,
creating shopping lists, and in
going to the grocery store with
parents to assist with the
shopping. (You would be amazed
at how many exotic, interesting
and delicious fruits and
vegetables may be still unknown
to you when you become familiar
with your local market’s produce
Some children may even
become capable of getting dinner
started before busy parents get
home from work. If your parents
don’t want you at the grill or
at the stove for safety reasons,
think about becoming the meal
planner, the table setter, the
vegetable washer and
cutter-upper, or the clean -up
You may also find it fun
to pick up a cookbook now and
then to see what looks yummy to
you; your parents will be
interested to know what kinds of
foods you prefer as you grow
older and your tastes become
more varied.
provides the voice and guidance
you need to cultivate what’s
best for your body, based on
what you body needs, not on what
society dictates.