About Abigail Natenshon
Over 35 Years of Eating Disorder Specialty Practice
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(847) 432-1795

Eating Disorder Specialist

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Judaism and Eating Disorders


Teaching Self-Love, Learning Body-Love
through Jewish Education: Promoting A Diet For A Healthy Soul

In this workshop, Natenshon discusses the nuts and bolts of eating disorders...what they are about, and what they mean for our children... along with providing practical tools and strategies to recognize these problems in Jewish students and intervene effectively as mentors in promoting prevention and healing. Abbie offers curriculum ideas for Jewish educators and youth group leaders, promoting the power of positive relationships and human connection through uniquely Jewish solutions.

As a follow-up to this seminar, Abbie offers her expertise as a group psychotherapist and educator to run educative-support groups for teachers and youth group leaders, for kids and their parents.

Participate Testimonial:
"I've gleaned a new and mature appreciation for many of the elements of the observant lifestyle. One book in particular has been inspiring me lately-- its a book of quotes by the "Rebbe" Schneerson called "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth: 365 meditations of the Rebbe". Its a book of 365 thoughts to read daily and digest throughout the day. you would really enjoy this book I think. Its been amazing to me to look through it because each of these snippets of wisdom are so profound, such mind-blowing little nuggets of insight, and then I realize that the only place I've heard information in this format before is with you! It just goes to show that the foundational elements of our religion and heritage penetrate everything that we do, explicitly or not, whether we are aware of it or not. And its also amazing the ways in which elements of Jewish thought and spirituality can be interpreted through the lens of eating disorder recovery."
...KRB, a client and a student of Judaism

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